Jesus was a Calvinist!

The name John Calvin is a bad word to many people, but I hope to show you that Calvin’s theology should be our theology because it was Jesus’ theology and the Bible’s theology. John Calvin lived in the 1500’s in Geneva, Switzerland.  He was and is one of the hero’s of the Christian faith.  He… Continue reading Jesus was a Calvinist!

You were zombies

In Ephesians 2:1-3 Paul describes the Ephesian believers’ hopeless condition before they had come to experience the power of God in Christ Jesus which had transformed their lives – this of course is true for all believers. According to the Paul they were (spiritually) “dead”, which figuratively describes the state of being lost or under… Continue reading You were zombies

A Christian response to Crime

A few years ago a family in our church was robbed at gunpoint.  Three armed man confronted the husband in his own garage.  The gunmen entered the home and made the family sit down as they rummaged through the house taking anything of value.  Thankfully they left the family physically unharmed as they made off with their… Continue reading A Christian response to Crime