A call to Spiritual Discernment

I was visited recently by a lovely, Christian person who claimed to have received a message from God for me and our church. The message was this, “Your church will enter a time of unprecedented miracles, signs, wonders, blessings and conversions.  However, you shouldn’t limit God.  You need to open yourself to the work of… Continue reading A call to Spiritual Discernment

What is the gift of prophecy?

There seems to be a renewed interest in the more “supernatural” spiritual gifts among evangelicals.  Mark Driscoll, who calls himself a “charismatic with a seat-belt”, is no doubt a contributing factor.   I have recently posted about healing, miraculous gifts and speaking in tongues.  What remains is prophecy1.  Prophecy in the Old Testament Deuteronomy 18:18 describes… Continue reading What is the gift of prophecy?