Until the age of 21 I had no idea how to use a washing machine. I knew you had to somehow use washing powder, but I was clueless as to where it went, which powder to use or which buttons to press. Fortunately, after the dirty clothes had piled up for a week, I found… Continue reading 9 truths about the Ten Commandments
Tag: Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments of Parenting
1. Put God first This means loving your spouse, setting a godly example, having Bible reading & prayer times together, and making church a priority – even on rainy days. Our children won’t automatically assume by telepathic osmosis that God is important to us by seeing the dusty Bible on the shelf.
To obey or not to obey?
What place does the Law, epitomized in the Ten Commandments, have in the Christian’s life? Are we free of the Law and not under obligation to obey it? If we seek to obey God’s Law are we not being legalists and fundamentalist? What does the bible mean when it says Christians are under grace, not… Continue reading To obey or not to obey?