Speaking in tongues is probably in the top 3 issues that Christians disagree on. Speaking in tongues, I hope to show you, is not what many Christians think it is and not what is happening in many churches today. The Bible, not our experience, must always be our highest authority in doctrine and practice. Disclaimer… Continue reading The truth about speaking in tongues
Tag: Speaking in tongues
Why I am a cessationist (and you should be too)
Have you had a prophecy over your life that you’re not too sure about? Did a prophet say you should take a certain course that you don’t really want to? Are you in a church where prophecies are common, but create anxiety not peace because of the added pressure on believers? What does the Bible say… Continue reading Why I am a cessationist (and you should be too)
Should every Christian speak in tongues? (Part 2)
I argued in my previous post that the speaking tongues in Acts was not the norm for all Christians, but the very specific and unique plan of God to demonstrate that there was to be only one church. Not a separate Gentile Church. Not a separate Samaritan church. One church made up of converted Jews,… Continue reading Should every Christian speak in tongues? (Part 2)
Should every Christian speak in tongues? (Part 1)
Many Pentecostal traditions teach that speaking in tongues is the definitive sign of being baptized with the Holy Spirit. This baptism or filling of the Spirit happens sometime after your conversion and is known as the “Second Blessing”. Every Spirit-filled believer, they would argue, should therefore speak in tongues. I have numerous theological problems with… Continue reading Should every Christian speak in tongues? (Part 1)