As we are in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic and surrounded by somewhat uncertainty, perhaps fear and maybe some panic, we need to turn to the ultimate source of hope and truth, the Bible. The Bible’s truth is true because God cannot lie and full of hope because it is God’s Word. What does… Continue reading What is God saying to the world during the pandemic?
Tag: Sin
Saul and the Medium of En-dor
In desperate times, many people turn to desperate measures. It was April 1945 – near the end of World War 2. The telephone rang in Adolf Hitler’s bunker. It was the Minister of Propaganda on the line, Joseph Goebbels. He spoke to Hitler and he was ecstatic. Although the Allies were pressing from the West,… Continue reading Saul and the Medium of En-dor
Why Christians eat pork
Leviticus ch. 11 is all about clean and unclean animals and what the Israelites in Old Testament times could and couldn’t eat. Therefore, every time someone hunted, ate a meal, went to a petting zoo, or came across roadkill, they had to ask themselves, “Is this clean or unclean?” Land animals. Sea animals. Insects. Clean… Continue reading Why Christians eat pork
Are you an obvious or undercover sinner?
Most people don’t think they need their sins forgiven Most people think that they are not as bad as Adolf Hitler, they’re not a serial murderer, they’re not corrupt like the Gupta’s and they’re generally nice people, so they really don’t need their sins forgiven. They don’t understand why Christians keep going on and on… Continue reading Are you an obvious or undercover sinner?
Don’t be hoodwinked this Easter
The cross was not a sad mistake, as some may think, but crucial to the mission of Jesus. At the cross, Jesus made a once-for-all sacrifice for the sins of the world. He made propitiation to God for all the sins of all of God’s people throughout all the ages. Jesus’ death is central to… Continue reading Don’t be hoodwinked this Easter