God is holy. The Bible describes God as a consuming fire residing in unapproachable light. To approach God our own way is like approaching the surface of the sun – we will simply be extinguished. God’s radiant holiness will kill us as sin-full and sin-prone people. However, in the Old Testament book of Leviticus we… Continue reading Learning from Leviticus
Tag: Sacrifice
Why Jesus is our great high priest
All people have a conscience and when we do wrong it bothers us. We instinctively know we have sinned, although most won’t call it sin. Yet, as the Bible teaches us, some people’s consciences have been seared by them constantly violating their conscience and are no longer troubled by their wrong. But in general people… Continue reading Why Jesus is our great high priest
The definitive sacrifice and scapegoat
This past Friday was especially good. We remembered specifically Jesus’ death to secure our ultimate good. For the first time ever I preached from the book of Leviticus in the Old Testament. What was I smoking you may ask? What drew me to Leviticus was the recent popular denial of Jesus’ death as a sacrifice to appease… Continue reading The definitive sacrifice and scapegoat