The age-old question that has for hundreds of years vexed philosophers, theorists, social-scientists, and all thinking people, is this: why is the world like it is? Think about all the greed, the road rage, the human trafficking, the extra-marital affairs, the exploitation of women in pornography, the bullying in primary schools, the rape and murder… Continue reading Why the world is like it is
Tag: Romans 1
How should Christians think about homosexuality and gay marriage?
Public perceptions of homosexuality have changed over the years. In the Greco-Roman culture during which the New Testament was written, homosexuality was an accepted practice. Over the centuries that changed. By 1800’s in England homosexuality was a crime. The well-known playwright Oscar Wilde was jailed for two years for homosexual practices. Homosexuality was later seen… Continue reading How should Christians think about homosexuality and gay marriage?