Article 6 of the 39 Articles of Religion on the “The sufficiency of Holy Scripture for our salvation” says, Holy Scripture sets forth everything that is necessary for our salvation. Consequently, nobody should be required to believe as an article of the Christian faith, or to regard as necessary for salvation, anything that is not… Continue reading God’s Word above all things?
Tag: Roman Catholic Church
The Rock and the gates of death
Matthew 16:15-18 is a very misunderstood passage in the Bible. The Roman Catholic Church believes that the Rock on which Jesus builds his church was the Apostle Peter, who allegedly was the first Pope or Bishop of Rome. Subsequently, all the Popes have been the spiritual descendants of Peter. The true church is, therefore, all… Continue reading The Rock and the gates of death
Why I am not a Roman Catholic #REACH500
This year, 2017, marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation that started in Germany in 1517. There are a couple of things we take for granted in our church services: It is in an understandable language We have Bibles The Bible is read and explained We pray together, sing together and take part in… Continue reading Why I am not a Roman Catholic #REACH500
Will there be rewards in heaven?
For Christians, our faithfulness in this world influences our rewards in the world to come. This is not the final judgement. At the final judgement, if we are Christians we are saved and guaranteed a place in heaven. Our sin have been forgiven in Christ and we are righteous in God’s sight. On the other hand,… Continue reading Will there be rewards in heaven?
Pastors as “Christian” witchdoctors in Africa
One of the contexts in which we do ministry in Africa is the background and influence of African Traditional Religion (ATR). In African Traditional Religion(s) the sangoma (witchdoctor) has special access to God, the spirit world and the ancestors. The sangoma is able to make contact with the spirit world in order to guarantee protection… Continue reading Pastors as “Christian” witchdoctors in Africa