God’s Word above all things?
Article 6 of the 39 Articles of Religion on the “The sufficiency of Holy Scripture for our salvation” says, Holy Scripture sets forth everything that is necessary for our salvation. Consequently, nobody should be required to believe as an article of the Christian faith, or to regard as necessary for salvation, anything that is not… Continue reading God’s Word above all things?
Why we use the Prayer Book
On Sunday I led our church through some set prayers in our REACH SA Prayer Book. Non-conformists, more independent types might want to deride me as being too clinical and stayed, not allowing “the Spirit to move”. “We need to be led by the Spirit in our church services!”, they cry. I understand the concern, but… Continue reading Why we use the Prayer Book
How should Christians think about homosexuality and gay marriage?
Public perceptions of homosexuality have changed over the years. In the Greco-Roman culture during which the New Testament was written, homosexuality was an accepted practice. Over the centuries that changed. By 1800’s in England homosexuality was a crime. The well-known playwright Oscar Wilde was jailed for two years for homosexual practices. Homosexuality was later seen… Continue reading How should Christians think about homosexuality and gay marriage?