The decrees of God are God’s purposes or determinations with respect to future things. Ephesians 1:9 refers to the “mystery of his will”. Acts 2:23 refers to the “definite plan and foreknowledge of God”. Romans 8:29 uses the word, “predestined”. Ephesians 3:11 refers to God’s “eternal purposes”. The decrees of God are, therefore, God’s purposes… Continue reading Who is in control? (The decrees of God)
Tag: Predestination
Jesus was a Calvinist!
The name John Calvin is a bad word to many people, but I hope to show you that Calvin’s theology should be our theology because it was Jesus’ theology and the Bible’s theology. John Calvin lived in the 1500’s in Geneva, Switzerland. He was and is one of the hero’s of the Christian faith. He… Continue reading Jesus was a Calvinist!
Predestinational errors
Besides inventing a new word, I thought I would draw your attention to two errors that some make when it comes to thinking about the doctrine of predestination. These two errors can also be seen as two extremes on opposite ends of the theology spectrum: Arminianism and Hyper-Calvinism
Why I believe in predestination (and evangelism)
I hold to and teach the doctrine of predestination for one simple reason: the Bible teaches it. In fact, the Bible’s teaching on this subject are very clear and understandable, and I have trouble comprehending how so many Christians do not see this grand doctrine in the Bible. I believe that if you read the… Continue reading Why I believe in predestination (and evangelism)
I create disaster, says the Lord
Isaiah 45 is a very difficult passage for those who have a small view of God. Yet this same chapter is of great value to Christians. Isaiah teaches in this chapter that God is sovereign over all of nature and history, and nothing happens except as ordained by God.