Jesus was a Calvinist!

The name John Calvin is a bad word to many people, but I hope to show you that Calvin’s theology should be our theology because it was Jesus’ theology and the Bible’s theology. John Calvin lived in the 1500’s in Geneva, Switzerland.  He was and is one of the hero’s of the Christian faith.  He… Continue reading Jesus was a Calvinist!

Why you can’t lose your salvation

Could a Christian lose their salvation? Could a Christian in a time of weakness sin greatly and forsake Christ? Could a Christian in a time of deep depression deny their Lord? Could a Christian in a time of difficulty and hardship backslide spiritually and forsake Christ? Could I somehow or another loose my salvation?  The Bible says: no. The thought… Continue reading Why you can’t lose your salvation

Perseverance of the saints

Can a Christian loose their salvation? The Bible says no. The last point of Calvinism is: The perseverance of the saints. Perhaps a better summary would be: God’s preservation of the saints or God’s persevering with the saints. (BTW “Saints” is the word the New Testament uses for regular Christians.) The Westminster Confession of Faith… Continue reading Perseverance of the saints