Robbing God?

You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me, the whole nation of you. Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and… Continue reading Robbing God?

Investing with the real long-term view

Many people in our country are feeling quite anxious at the moment.  Racism, greed, corruption and violent crime seem out of control. What would you say South Africa needs most of all right now? Is it a better education system; fairer distribution of economic resources; more understanding between cultural groupings; an end to all corruption;… Continue reading Investing with the real long-term view

Giving, not to get, but to give

Every year at our church we have a “Planned Giving Sunday” when we ask our members and friends to prayerfully consider their giving to the church.  We don’t use coercion or guilt.  We don’t say “Give to Get!”  We simply remind the church of the importance of gospel ministry.  This year I reminded the church… Continue reading Giving, not to get, but to give

How much should I give to my church?

Once a year, every year, we have a “Planned Giving Sunday” at our church and we teach about giving and challenge our church to make a monthly financial pledge so that we can budget for the next year. The giving is not policed or tracked; we leave it to the individual’s conscience before the Lord. Our church, as… Continue reading How much should I give to my church?

Do you give generously to your church?

When God converts us, he changes our attitudes to everything.   Our attitude changes to the Bible, entertainment, dating, politics, work and money.  Before we became Christians money was a god to be worshipped at any cost and we would sacrifice all before the altar of success, but now we see all we have as entrusted to us by… Continue reading Do you give generously to your church?