Jesus must call his sheep (Redefining missions)

A well known secret at our church is that I am terrible at DIY. I can’t understand why though? I rate myself as very logical, analytical and somewhat handy; yet DIY escapes me. When I hang mirrors I drill into water pipes. I wrongly measured and cut the geyser-blanket three times in a row.  I break things… Continue reading Jesus must call his sheep (Redefining missions)

If all things happen according to God’s will, why pray?

 The Bible teaches that God is sovereign and providentially orchestrates all things.   In the Old Testament even the unbelieving king Cyrus of the Persian Empire is called “God’s servant”, because he, unknowingly, carries out God’s purposes.   In the Bible God is always pictured as in control of all things, even natural disasters, the throw of… Continue reading If all things happen according to God’s will, why pray?