As we are in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic and surrounded by somewhat uncertainty, perhaps fear and maybe some panic, we need to turn to the ultimate source of hope and truth, the Bible. The Bible’s truth is true because God cannot lie and full of hope because it is God’s Word. What does… Continue reading What is God saying to the world during the pandemic?
Tag: Martin Luther
Christian, stop being Satan’s co-worker
A long-lost relative of an eccentric New York heiress, stood to inherit 19 million pounds (R320 million) of her 300 million POUND fortune. Unfortunately, the relative, Timothy Gray – a homeless man, age 60, was found dead from hypothermia under a bridge in rural Wyoming, in the US. Timothy Gray was a millionaire but didn’t… Continue reading Christian, stop being Satan’s co-worker
Jesus was a Calvinist!
The name John Calvin is a bad word to many people, but I hope to show you that Calvin’s theology should be our theology because it was Jesus’ theology and the Bible’s theology. John Calvin lived in the 1500’s in Geneva, Switzerland. He was and is one of the hero’s of the Christian faith. He… Continue reading Jesus was a Calvinist!
Pastors as “Christian” witchdoctors in Africa
One of the contexts in which we do ministry in Africa is the background and influence of African Traditional Religion (ATR). In African Traditional Religion(s) the sangoma (witchdoctor) has special access to God, the spirit world and the ancestors. The sangoma is able to make contact with the spirit world in order to guarantee protection… Continue reading Pastors as “Christian” witchdoctors in Africa
Three lessons from Job
As I mentioned in a previous post, one of our dogs died last week. Charlie, a dachshund, slipped a disk and started going paralysed and we had to have him put down. We were devastated. And even though Charlie was only a dog, I found myself asking, “Why did God allow this to happen? Charlie… Continue reading Three lessons from Job