Leviticus ch. 11 is all about clean and unclean animals and what the Israelites in Old Testament times could and couldn’t eat. Therefore, every time someone hunted, ate a meal, went to a petting zoo, or came across roadkill, they had to ask themselves, “Is this clean or unclean?” Land animals. Sea animals. Insects. Clean… Continue reading Why Christians eat pork
Tag: Leviticus
Why we can’t approach God on our own terms
We are familiar with the concept of mediators. Someone who represents us or goes in our place. I can’t argue my case at the Constitutional Court. I need an advocate, with the necessary qualifications, who will represent me. The Springbok rugby team represents South Africa when they play rugby. We all say, “We won the… Continue reading Why we can’t approach God on our own terms
Learning from Leviticus
God is holy. The Bible describes God as a consuming fire residing in unapproachable light. To approach God our own way is like approaching the surface of the sun – we will simply be extinguished. God’s radiant holiness will kill us as sin-full and sin-prone people. However, in the Old Testament book of Leviticus we… Continue reading Learning from Leviticus