Six characteristics of a healthy church

I’m sure you know of the couple who woke up one Sunday morning and the wife said to her husband, “Get up or you will be late for church!”  Her husband replied, “I really don’t feel like going to church and I don’t like the church people that much anyway.   Give me 3 reasons why I… Continue reading Six characteristics of a healthy church

Not your usual leadership principles

The typical leadership conference claims to enable you to be a successful leader with all the added benefits of wealth and prosperity – if you would faithfully follow the “guaranteed-to-work” principles.   The Apostle Paul also gave us some leadership principles.  The letter of 1 Corinthians in the Bible is not a leadership manual but rather… Continue reading Not your usual leadership principles

Why do we believe in the resurrection of the body?

A Swiss company has taken a fascinating and unexpected approach to memorializing our loved ones who have passed.  The company will compress and super-heat your loved one’s cremated ashes and turn them into a man-made diamond that can be worn and cherished.  It all begins with a chemical process that extracts the carbon from the… Continue reading Why do we believe in the resurrection of the body?

Six things Jesus said we should pray for

Jesus said that our heart will follow our treasure.  In other words, our bank statements will show our priorities.  In a similar way, our prayers follow our priorities.  What do you pray for?  Do you find yourself praying a lot about health, wealth and prosperity?  Those are obviously the things you consider the most important. … Continue reading Six things Jesus said we should pray for

Hail him as thy matchless King (Why the ascension of Christ is critical)

What do Kurt Darren, the Soweto Gospel Choir and Mango Groove have in common?  They all performed at the second inauguration of Jacob Zuma!  On 24 May 2014 thousands of people braved the chilly weather and made their way to the Union Buildings in Pretoria to witness Jacob Zuma’s inauguration.  “JZ” was installed, inducted and… Continue reading Hail him as thy matchless King (Why the ascension of Christ is critical)