Is Jesus the only way to God?

The terror attacks in France, like the Boko Haram attacks in Nigeria, have disgusted us all.  Radical Muslims, who believe that Allah is the one true God and that Muhammad is his prophet, have done terrible things in Allah’s name.  Masked gunmen methodically killed twelve people, including a newspaper’s editor, as they shouted “Allahu akbar!”… Continue reading Is Jesus the only way to God?

What is the Trinity? (and why is it important?)

A tortoise was making his way across the lawn when all of a sudden he was nastily mugged by a ruthless gang of snails.  Later, when the tortoise reported the crime at the police station, the officer asked him if he could describe any of his attackers.  The tortoise replied, “Oh officer, it all happened… Continue reading What is the Trinity? (and why is it important?)

Christianity vs. Islam in Isaiah

You may be excused for thinking that Isaiah 56:1 sounds a bit Islamic. God tells his people, “Maintain justice and do righteousness”.   Islam teaches that a Muslim earns Allah’s favour by doing good deeds and keeping the five pillars of Islam – testimony, prayer, alms-giving, fasting, and taking a pilgrimage to Mecca.  You do righteousness… Continue reading Christianity vs. Islam in Isaiah