Does God want to heal me?

I know this is a very sensitive question as many Christians struggle with all kinds of illness, depression, mental illness and genetic disorders. Note that the question is not, “Can God heal me?” We know that God can. If God can create the universe by speaking words, he can do anything. The reason I ask… Continue reading Does God want to heal me?

A word on the Word of Faith movement

One of the characteristics of the Word of Faith Movement is that it emphasizes physical healing. According to them Jesus’ atonement not only secured our spiritual healing, but our physical healing too.  Christians should simply claim God’s promises by faith and the sick will be made well and the ill restored.   Sickness and disease are… Continue reading A word on the Word of Faith movement

Is the gift of working miracles for today?

When we read the New Testament we read of awesome miracles of healing and restoration. Blind people are given sight, the deaf hearing, paralytics are walking and the mute speaking. What is the purpose of these miracles? Why did Jesus and his close followers perform them? Was Jesus just being nice? Well, Jesus was being… Continue reading Is the gift of working miracles for today?