Jesus is a Saviour, not a social worker

In the Matrix movies the inscription over the Oracle’s door is, “Temet Nosce”, which is Latin for “KNOW YOURSELF”.  This is a fundamental truth just as important as knowing God.  Have you thought about this basic question: What is a human being? Who are you?

He did evil in the eyes of the Lord

King Manasseh is a conundrum.  He was the most evil king Judah ever had and yet he was the longest reigning king. (cf. 2 Chronicles 33)  In the Old Testament books of Kings and Chronicles every king’s life is summed up either by, “he did what was evil in the sight of the Lord” or… Continue reading He did evil in the eyes of the Lord

What will our resurrection bodies be like?

We love superheroes.   When I was 7 years-old I just about gave my mother a heart-attack by dressing up as Batman and climbing onto a high, narrow wall and casually strolling along it.  Thankfully, she managed to cajole me down.  We especially like it when superheroes are “normal” first, then something odd happens and they… Continue reading What will our resurrection bodies be like?

Christmas and the coming of the Serpent-Crusher

Where in the Bible do we find the first promise of the gospel? Would you believe that it’s in the third chapter of the Bible’s first book, Genesis 3. Genesis 1 and 2 tell us that God created the universe and everything in it. God created human beings to live in his good world under… Continue reading Christmas and the coming of the Serpent-Crusher