Many Christian leaders today claim to be prophets or to have the gift of prophecy. In many African cities you may feel inferior if your church doesn’t have a resident prophet. Prophets are forever sharing the visions and messages they have apparently received from God. The increase in the phenomena of prophecy is to a… Continue reading The truth about prophecy
Tag: Gift of prophecy
Why I am a cessationist (and you should be too)
Have you had a prophecy over your life that you’re not too sure about? Did a prophet say you should take a certain course that you don’t really want to? Are you in a church where prophecies are common, but create anxiety not peace because of the added pressure on believers? What does the Bible say… Continue reading Why I am a cessationist (and you should be too)
What is the gift of prophecy?
There seems to be a renewed interest in the more “supernatural” spiritual gifts among evangelicals. Mark Driscoll, who calls himself a “charismatic with a seat-belt”, is no doubt a contributing factor. I have recently posted about healing, miraculous gifts and speaking in tongues. What remains is prophecy1. Prophecy in the Old Testament Deuteronomy 18:18 describes… Continue reading What is the gift of prophecy?