God is holy. The Bible describes God as a consuming fire residing in unapproachable light. To approach God our own way is like approaching the surface of the sun – we will simply be extinguished. God’s radiant holiness will kill us as sin-full and sin-prone people. However, in the Old Testament book of Leviticus we… Continue reading Learning from Leviticus
Tag: Forgiveness
Are you an obvious or undercover sinner?
Most people don’t think they need their sins forgiven Most people think that they are not as bad as Adolf Hitler, they’re not a serial murderer, they’re not corrupt like the Gupta’s and they’re generally nice people, so they really don’t need their sins forgiven. They don’t understand why Christians keep going on and on… Continue reading Are you an obvious or undercover sinner?
Killing me softly
Christians never set out to be caught in scandalous sin. The pastor never set out to have an adulterous affair. The member of his church first came to see him after her close friend had died. She came for counselling to help her grieve. They cried together and hugged and made another appointment. At the… Continue reading Killing me softly