Portraits of faithfulness

In a world of unfaithfulness, what does a faithful gospel worker look like? Phumezo Masango is a great example. Phumezo is a good friend of mine and a lecturer at George Whitefield College, the Bible college affiliated with our denomination. He has also been a minister at Christ Church Khayelitsha for many years. He has… Continue reading Portraits of faithfulness

Eating the scroll

We live in a world that is changing fast. For many years in South Africa we have enjoyed a nominally Christian worldview (of course there were blatant inconsistencies1 also). Church was seen as good. Adultery and pornography were seen as bad. Homosexuality was seen as a deviance, not a viable, alternative, healthy lifestyle. Marriage was held… Continue reading Eating the scroll

How do you know if your church is successful?

We might be tempted to view churches with big attendance figures or large membership registers as successful.  After all, they must be doing something right?  Very often it’s the mega-church pastors that get asked to speak at conferences on church-growth and whose services are recorded for TBN.  Mega-churrch pastors often write books that share their… Continue reading How do you know if your church is successful?

How not to commit adultery

Every week there seems to be another report of a pastor falling into sexual sin and disqualifying himself from the ministry.  Adultery is more and more the norm and even celebrated by some.  The book of Proverbs gives us some really practical advice on how to keep our marriage beds (and future marriage beds) pure.… Continue reading How not to commit adultery