Who is in control? (The decrees of God)

The decrees of God are God’s purposes or determinations with respect to future things. Ephesians 1:9 refers to the “mystery of his will”. Acts 2:23 refers to the “definite plan and foreknowledge of God”. Romans 8:29 uses the word, “predestined”. Ephesians 3:11 refers to God’s “eternal purposes”. The decrees of God are, therefore, God’s purposes… Continue reading Who is in control? (The decrees of God)

Jesus must call his sheep (Redefining missions)

A well known secret at our church is that I am terrible at DIY. I can’t understand why though? I rate myself as very logical, analytical and somewhat handy; yet DIY escapes me. When I hang mirrors I drill into water pipes. I wrongly measured and cut the geyser-blanket three times in a row.  I break things… Continue reading Jesus must call his sheep (Redefining missions)

Why I believe in predestination (and evangelism)

I hold to and teach the doctrine of predestination for one simple reason: the Bible teaches it.  In fact, the Bible’s teaching on this subject are very clear and understandable, and I have trouble comprehending how so many Christians do not see this grand doctrine in the Bible.  I believe that if you read the… Continue reading Why I believe in predestination (and evangelism)