I appeal to you therefore, brothers, (and by implication, sisters) by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship… (Romans 12:1) The apostle Paul wrote to Christians (he calls them brothers, and by implication, sisters) and used the word “therefore” in… Continue reading Why you don’t go to church to worship
Tag: Church
The horror of hell and planting churches
We are familiar with the idea of separation. We’ve all experienced it at one time or another. Jesus taught that at the end of this age there is going to be a separation. According to Jesus, this world is not going to continue forever. There will be a supernatural end, a cataclysmic event, a universal… Continue reading The horror of hell and planting churches
Top Ten tips for pastors
Being a pastor can be a really tough job. We love the church and feel honoured to teach God’s word. But we go through our spiritual highs and lows. We feel discouraged at times. We often feel that our sermons are boring and having no impact. We are tempted to focus just on the wrong… Continue reading Top Ten tips for pastors
What I learnt at the clergy conference
As an ordained minister in REACH SA (Reformed Evangelical Anglican Church of South Africa) I was invited to our clergy conference from 13-16 April 2015. We had the privilege of having Phillip Jensen from Australia as our speaker. Phillip’s expositions in 2 Corinthians about the church and ministry were very helpful and encouraging. Below is… Continue reading What I learnt at the clergy conference
Why we use the Prayer Book
On Sunday I led our church through some set prayers in our REACH SA Prayer Book. Non-conformists, more independent types might want to deride me as being too clinical and stayed, not allowing “the Spirit to move”. “We need to be led by the Spirit in our church services!”, they cry. I understand the concern, but… Continue reading Why we use the Prayer Book