Church membership is often seen as irrelevant, unnecessary and unbiblical. However, I hope to show you that belonging to a church family, made official by church membership is very relevant, necessary and biblical. Does God require local church membership? 1. Membership is in the Bible The words “local church membership” are not in the Bible,… Continue reading 9 Reasons why you should be a member of your local church
Tag: Church
Gospel and race: one humanity
I don’t know why, but every time I go shopping I always choose the trolley with the dodgy, squeaky, sticky wheel that keeps veering to the right or to the left. It’s quite a job to keep the trolley moving forward in a straight line. In a similar way, it’s tough to keep having a… Continue reading Gospel and race: one humanity
Six reasons not to serve in ministry in 2018
Before you sign up as a volunteer at your local church, please consider these sobering thoughts from 2 Timothy 2. The letter of 2 Timothy was written by the Apostle Paul to Timothy, a younger gospel worker. Paul was in a dungeon in Rome because of his faith in Jesus and awaiting execution. Paul’s final… Continue reading Six reasons not to serve in ministry in 2018
What I learnt at the Generate Conference
The big question the REACH SA Generate Conference sought to answer was, “How should the church (and how we do church) respond to a changing culture?” The answer was that we must “make sure we know why we exist and remain faithful to that; and feel free to change the rest.” We exist to… Continue reading What I learnt at the Generate Conference
You must sing at church
People, in general, like to sing. Whether they are very religious or total atheists, most people like music and song. Ask any football supporter. From singing, “Who ate all the pies” to the referee or “You’ll never walk alone” to their mates, fans like singing. Fans pays hundreds of Rands to hear their favourite… Continue reading You must sing at church