God’s trumpet and air meetings?

What will happen when Jesus returns as conquering hero?  Will we float forever in the clouds?  The Bible teaches that Jesus lived, died, rose back to life, ascended to heaven (from where he now reigns and rules) and promised to come back to us at what is commonly called the Second Coming.   In 1 Thessalonians… Continue reading God’s trumpet and air meetings?

Why trust the Bible?

Psalm 12:6 says “The words of the LORD are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times.” God’s words (the text of the Bible), is like silver refined seven times Why not just refined once once? “Seven” in the Bible is the number for completeness and wholeness.  What Psalm 12:6 is… Continue reading Why trust the Bible?

How not to commit adultery

Every week there seems to be another report of a pastor falling into sexual sin and disqualifying himself from the ministry.  Adultery is more and more the norm and even celebrated by some.  The book of Proverbs gives us some really practical advice on how to keep our marriage beds (and future marriage beds) pure.… Continue reading How not to commit adultery

Why saving grace must be irresistible

The fourth point of Calvinism is Irresistible Grace.  This doctrine says that when God calls us to faith in Jesus he calls effectively; he always succeeds in his purpose to save us. The Bible distinguished between the general call of God to all sinners to come to Jesus (e.g. Jesus saying “Come to me, all you who… Continue reading Why saving grace must be irresistible