Over the last few weeks Sphelo (our church’s ministry apprentice) and myself have been targeted (yes, I think we have been targeted) by a group of enthusiastic and persistent Jehovah’s Witnesses. They probably believe that converting a pastor will earn them extra brownie points.
Tag: Bible
Small, but schizophrenic
James 3:9-10 says, “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.” James says that many stand and sing choruses during Sunday service and on the way… Continue reading Small, but schizophrenic
Sanctity of marriage
In my previous post I mentioned some of societal factors hampering good marriages. I mentioned that we needed to get with God’s plan for marriage. Jesus spoke about God’s intentions for marriage in Mark 10:1-12. Jesus reminded the religious leaders of the day that marriage was God’s plan from the very beginning by referring to… Continue reading Sanctity of marriage
Till divorce do us part
We live in a world with a high divorce rate, many children born out of wedlock, teenage pregnancy, marital unfaithfulness and premarital promiscuity. People are still getting married, but they are getting married later, less frequently, more hesitantly and less successfully. A prenup contract is the norm, as often we expect divorce. A large number… Continue reading Till divorce do us part
“Do this in remembrance of me”
As Christians we have the privilege of celebrating the Lord’s Supper (or Holy Communion, as it is known in some churches). The Lord’s Supper is a sacrament given to the church by Jesus himself as a sign of the gospel for the strengthening of our faith. As we take part in the Lord’s Supper…