Will we remember in heaven?

An eternal Heaven is a reality the Bible often speaks about. In fact, the Bible speaks about a new heavens and a new earth. This is long hand for saying a Renewed Universe. Just as in Genesis 1:1 where “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”, Isaiah 65:17 says that God will… Continue reading Will we remember in heaven?

Eating the scroll

We live in a world that is changing fast. For many years in South Africa we have enjoyed a nominally Christian worldview (of course there were blatant inconsistencies1 also). Church was seen as good. Adultery and pornography were seen as bad. Homosexuality was seen as a deviance, not a viable, alternative, healthy lifestyle. Marriage was held… Continue reading Eating the scroll

What is the gift of prophecy?

There seems to be a renewed interest in the more “supernatural” spiritual gifts among evangelicals.  Mark Driscoll, who calls himself a “charismatic with a seat-belt”, is no doubt a contributing factor.   I have recently posted about healing, miraculous gifts and speaking in tongues.  What remains is prophecy1.  Prophecy in the Old Testament Deuteronomy 18:18 describes… Continue reading What is the gift of prophecy?

Good news is better than good advice

There is a VAST difference between good advice and good news. When the company you’ve invested in goes bankrupt and their share price starts falling, it is good advice to sell your shares as soon as possible. When your mechanic phones you and says your car is starting to give up its ghost and things… Continue reading Good news is better than good advice

Should every Christian speak in tongues? (Part 2)

I argued in my previous post that the speaking tongues in Acts was not the norm for all Christians, but the very specific and unique plan of God to demonstrate that there was to be only one church.  Not a separate Gentile Church.  Not a separate Samaritan church.  One church made up of converted Jews,… Continue reading Should every Christian speak in tongues? (Part 2)