Tribute to John Calvin – the love of the supremacy of God

Every year Reformed Evangelical churches like to remember the Reformation of the church in Europe in the 16th Century – from which we trace our theological heritage. The medieval church was steeped in suspicion, false teaching and wrong doctrine. Many people had a false assurance of salvation, a wrong notion of the church and a totally distorted… Continue reading Tribute to John Calvin – the love of the supremacy of God

Pastors as “Christian” witchdoctors in Africa

One of the contexts in which we do ministry in Africa is the background and influence of African Traditional Religion (ATR). In African Traditional Religion(s) the sangoma (witchdoctor) has special access to God, the spirit world and the ancestors. The sangoma is able to make contact with the spirit world in order to guarantee protection… Continue reading Pastors as “Christian” witchdoctors in Africa

Why there is no perfect church (yet)

Sometimes we are surprised when we find sin in the church. We are shocked and disappointed. I am often comforted by what Bishop Frank Retief once told me, “Where there are sinners, there you will find sin.” These are wise words! Some Christians are forever searching for the “perfect”, sinless, pure church and end up… Continue reading Why there is no perfect church (yet)

Why evolution does not make any sense

Call me naïve, but good science tells us that nothing comes from nothing. For this reason, believing the theory of Evolution/Big Bang is like walking into the Louvre in Paris and when seeing the Mona Lisa, thinking to yourself, “It’s amazing how with time and random chance, the paint ended up on this canvas to resemble a lady,… Continue reading Why evolution does not make any sense

Why you go to church and are not the church

It’s trendy in Christian circles to say things like, “You don’t go to church, you are the church”. A great number of books have been written to show how we should live as the “church” in our non-Christian communities. With this emphasis on “being the church” in your “community”, you might even start feeling bad… Continue reading Why you go to church and are not the church