Being dead to sin and still sinning

Joaquín  Guzmán ( Nickname “El Chapo”, which means shorty) is a Mexican drug lord and been in the news lately.  Forbes magazine called him the “biggest drug lord of all time.  El Chapo was arrested in 2014, but he escaped from prison again in 2015 by exiting through a tunnel dug to below his cell. … Continue reading Being dead to sin and still sinning

Should every Christian speak in tongues? (Part 2)

I argued in my previous post that the speaking tongues in Acts was not the norm for all Christians, but the very specific and unique plan of God to demonstrate that there was to be only one church.  Not a separate Gentile Church.  Not a separate Samaritan church.  One church made up of converted Jews,… Continue reading Should every Christian speak in tongues? (Part 2)

Should every Christian speak in tongues? (Part 1)

Many Pentecostal traditions teach that speaking in tongues is the definitive sign of being baptized with the Holy Spirit.   This baptism or filling of the Spirit happens sometime after your conversion and is known as the “Second Blessing”.   Every Spirit-filled believer, they would argue, should therefore speak in tongues.  I have numerous theological problems with… Continue reading Should every Christian speak in tongues? (Part 1)