Portraits of faithfulness

In a world of unfaithfulness, what does a faithful gospel worker look like? Phumezo Masango is a great example. Phumezo is a good friend of mine and a lecturer at George Whitefield College, the Bible college affiliated with our denomination. He has also been a minister at Christ Church Khayelitsha for many years. He has… Continue reading Portraits of faithfulness

Jesus, Satan, and the Apostle Paul (Jesus and the victory of God in Paul’s thought)

In recent years scholars have taken more seriously the influence of Jesus of Nazareth on the apostle Paul’s thinking. You might think this connection was obvious, but in the world of “biblical” scholarship nothing is obvious. Evangelical scholars contend that the greatest change in Paul’s thinking was brought about as a consequence of Paul’s vision… Continue reading Jesus, Satan, and the Apostle Paul (Jesus and the victory of God in Paul’s thought)