Is Jesus the only way to God?

The terror attacks in France, like the Boko Haram attacks in Nigeria, have disgusted us all.  Radical Muslims, who believe that Allah is the one true God and that Muhammad is his prophet, have done terrible things in Allah’s name.  Masked gunmen methodically killed twelve people, including a newspaper’s editor, as they shouted “Allahu akbar!”… Continue reading Is Jesus the only way to God?

Pastors as “Christian” witchdoctors in Africa

One of the contexts in which we do ministry in Africa is the background and influence of African Traditional Religion (ATR). In African Traditional Religion(s) the sangoma (witchdoctor) has special access to God, the spirit world and the ancestors. The sangoma is able to make contact with the spirit world in order to guarantee protection… Continue reading Pastors as “Christian” witchdoctors in Africa

A Prayer for Africa (Ephesians 1:15-19)

Ephesians ch. 1 has a great prayer for Christians in Africa, especially considering our backdrop of African Traditional Religions with their strong belief in spirits, spiritual powers and the influence of the ancestors. Thankful for your faith (15) For this reason I also having heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and the love… Continue reading A Prayer for Africa (Ephesians 1:15-19)

If God is for us

Christians with an African Traditional Religion background may wonder from time to time if Jesus is enough.  Can Jesus protect me from a curse invoked by an angry neighbour?  My sins may be forgiven at the cross, but can Jesus protect me from angry spirits?  Christians from a more “western” background may  have similar thoughts.  Is… Continue reading If God is for us