Is it really “My body, my choice”? An unborn or pre-born baby has its own brain, nervous system, blood-type, body parts and gender. How could it ever possibly be part of the mother’s body? “No matter how you spin it, women don’t have four arms and four legs when they’re pregnant. Those extra appendages belong… Continue reading No, it’s not your body
Tag: Abortion
Abortion and magic fairy-dust
It seems to me that “pro-choice”, pro-abortion people believe in a magic baby-fairy that sprinkles magic baby-dust on the “fetus” as it passes through the birth canal magically transforming it into a proper baby. Sanctity of life
He did evil in the eyes of the Lord
King Manasseh is a conundrum. He was the most evil king Judah ever had and yet he was the longest reigning king. (cf. 2 Chronicles 33) In the Old Testament books of Kings and Chronicles every king’s life is summed up either by, “he did what was evil in the sight of the Lord” or… Continue reading He did evil in the eyes of the Lord
What did Jesus teach about hell?
Jesus believed in and warned people about a place called hell. The word he used was “gehenna”, which is normally translated in our English Bibles as “hell”. Gehenna In Old Testament times the valley south-west of Jerusalem was called Ge Hinnom and it was the city’s rubbish dump. It was a notorious valley that was previously… Continue reading What did Jesus teach about hell?