Original sin and why you should care

Did you realise that, without committing any actual sins, you were condemned before God and accountable to the judgment of God?  Romans 5:12-21 and other places in the Bible teach the doctrine of original sin.  Article 9 of the 39 Articles explains this doctrine:   Original sin does not consist in imitating the sin of… Continue reading Original sin and why you should care

Why do we believe in the resurrection of the body?

A Swiss company has taken a fascinating and unexpected approach to memorializing our loved ones who have passed.  The company will compress and super-heat your loved one’s cremated ashes and turn them into a man-made diamond that can be worn and cherished.  It all begins with a chemical process that extracts the carbon from the… Continue reading Why do we believe in the resurrection of the body?

Hail him as thy matchless King (Why the ascension of Christ is critical)

What do Kurt Darren, the Soweto Gospel Choir and Mango Groove have in common?  They all performed at the second inauguration of Jacob Zuma!  On 24 May 2014 thousands of people braved the chilly weather and made their way to the Union Buildings in Pretoria to witness Jacob Zuma’s inauguration.  “JZ” was installed, inducted and… Continue reading Hail him as thy matchless King (Why the ascension of Christ is critical)

What Holy Communion isn’t

Today we have a huge obsession with food.   My two favourite TV programmes are Masterchef and Come dine with me.   Never before in human history have we been so obsessed with the style, presentation and taste of food.  Food of course is a good gift from God that he has given for our enjoyment, but… Continue reading What Holy Communion isn’t

Why I believe in predestination (and evangelism)

I hold to and teach the doctrine of predestination for one simple reason: the Bible teaches it.  In fact, the Bible’s teaching on this subject are very clear and understandable, and I have trouble comprehending how so many Christians do not see this grand doctrine in the Bible.  I believe that if you read the… Continue reading Why I believe in predestination (and evangelism)