Making sense of our suffering

What has been your most difficult trial in the last couple of years? Sickness, strained relationships, persecution, isolation, financial difficulties, family problems? Today, as all through the ages, people have different responses to trials, suffering and hardship. They may think, “God obviously doesn’t care about me.” Or, “God has deserted and abandoned me.” Or, “I… Continue reading Making sense of our suffering

Don’t live in cuckoo-cuckoo land

We don’t need the Bible to tell us about the reality of suffering and evil, it’s all too common to us.  The Bible says we live in a fallen, broken, scarred world where evil and suffering are prevalent.  In fact, the Bible is the only book in our world that can truly explain why the… Continue reading Don’t live in cuckoo-cuckoo land

National Geographic and the wisdom of God

Imagine this terrible scenario: You are lying in a hospital bed being kept alive artificially by plastic tubes in your arm and nose. A killer hurricane has destroyed everything you own and all you’ve worked for – your house, you car and your savings. You family has not survived. You’re hanging on to life. You… Continue reading National Geographic and the wisdom of God