The tyranny of modern-day prophecy

From time to time I receive well-intentioned messages about another prophet’s new, ground-breaking, prophecy.  Interestingly, the prophecies usually involve a “break-through”.  For example, “The Lord showed me a vision for Africa.  2017 is the year of break-through. You must blow the shofar (trumpet) and repent of the nation’s sin.” Etc., etc. I have also chatted… Continue reading The tyranny of modern-day prophecy

Why women could be prophets but not pastors

1 Corinthians 11:2-16 is one of the most controversial passages in the Bible.   Feminists detest this passage and try to make it mean something that it doesn’t mean.  Chauvinists have wrongly understood this passage to mean male superiority and supremacy.   We know of course that the Bible teaches that men and women are both created… Continue reading Why women could be prophets but not pastors

Why there is a mosque in Jerusalem

Mark 13 has often been used to teach about the second coming of Jesus. It may surprise you to know that ¾’s of this chapter is Jesus teaching about the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. The temple in Jerusalem in Jesus’ day was a wonder.  Theologically it represented the very presence of God and… Continue reading Why there is a mosque in Jerusalem