How do we hear God’s words? (The importance of preaching)

Many people today claim to hear or speak words that come from God.  From those who hear God speaking to them in a “still, small voice” to the preachers on TV claiming to have a new revelation from God.  A friend of mine has recently given me a copy of a new book called “The Little Blood… Continue reading How do we hear God’s words? (The importance of preaching)

Lessons from stone tablets (Why God didn’t use YouTube)

God commanded Moses in Exodus 34v1 to make two more tablets of stone on which he (God) would write his law on. The Ten Commandments engraved on the stone tablets give us some helpful insights into the nature of God’s whole revelation to us contained in the Bible.   a. Human mediators are involved  … Continue reading Lessons from stone tablets (Why God didn’t use YouTube)