Six things Jesus said we should pray for

Jesus said that our heart will follow our treasure.  In other words, our bank statements will show our priorities.  In a similar way, our prayers follow our priorities.  What do you pray for?  Do you find yourself praying a lot about health, wealth and prosperity?  Those are obviously the things you consider the most important. … Continue reading Six things Jesus said we should pray for

If all things happen according to God’s will, why pray?

 The Bible teaches that God is sovereign and providentially orchestrates all things.   In the Old Testament even the unbelieving king Cyrus of the Persian Empire is called “God’s servant”, because he, unknowingly, carries out God’s purposes.   In the Bible God is always pictured as in control of all things, even natural disasters, the throw of… Continue reading If all things happen according to God’s will, why pray?

Why only Christians can pray

On Saturday morning we ended our church’s mission’s month with a seminar presented by Bishop Frank Retief. One of the topics covered was, “Why pray for missions?” In introducing his subject, Frank made the point that only Christians can pray. I’m assuming that we all understand pray to mean: speaking to God. If there is… Continue reading Why only Christians can pray