Who killed Jesus?

Mel Gibson’s movie Passion of the Christ came out in 2004.  It was a phenomenal box office success and confounded industry experts.  It was one of the fastest money-making movies at the time, only Spiderman and Lord of Rings: Return of King grossed more money. Hollywood has realized that there is market for so-called Christian… Continue reading Who killed Jesus?

Why Jesus is our great high priest

All people have a conscience and when we do wrong it bothers us. We instinctively know we have sinned, although most won’t call it sin. Yet, as the Bible teaches us, some people’s consciences have been seared by them constantly violating their conscience and are no longer troubled by their wrong. But in general people… Continue reading Why Jesus is our great high priest

No ordinary death

Andries Tatane’s death and the death of Jesus of Nazareth bear some remarkable similarities and differences. Both men were 33 years old, guilty of no crime, yet treated with contempt, beaten, and killed by the authorities of the day. Both men’s death was terrible and tragic. Both men’s death also achieved results for their people.… Continue reading No ordinary death