If your problem is too big, your God is too small

The Sistine Chapel ceiling was painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512 at the commission of Pope Julius II. Michelangelo, who was not primarily a painter but a sculptor, was reluctant to take on the work. The Pope however was adamant and Michelangelo had no choice but to accept.  The work is now considered a… Continue reading If your problem is too big, your God is too small

Will there be rewards in heaven?

For Christians, our faithfulness in this world influences our rewards in the world to come. This is not the final judgement. At the final judgement, if we are Christians we are saved and guaranteed a place in heaven. Our sin have been forgiven in Christ and we are righteous in God’s sight. On the other hand,… Continue reading Will there be rewards in heaven?

Why we baptise babies

This post is about covenant baptism, that is, the baptism of new believers and their children. Secondary Issue Let me start by saying that we consider ones view about baptism an open-handed or secondary doctrine. According to the Bible there are close-handed or primary doctrines that you must believe in order to be a Christian e.g.… Continue reading Why we baptise babies

Why you can’t lose your salvation

Could a Christian lose their salvation? Could a Christian in a time of weakness sin greatly and forsake Christ? Could a Christian in a time of deep depression deny their Lord? Could a Christian in a time of difficulty and hardship backslide spiritually and forsake Christ? Could I somehow or another loose my salvation?  The Bible says: no. The thought… Continue reading Why you can’t lose your salvation

Will we remember in heaven?

An eternal Heaven is a reality the Bible often speaks about. In fact, the Bible speaks about a new heavens and a new earth. This is long hand for saying a Renewed Universe. Just as in Genesis 1:1 where “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”, Isaiah 65:17 says that God will… Continue reading Will we remember in heaven?