Original sin and why you should care

Did you realise that, without committing any actual sins, you were condemned before God and accountable to the judgment of God?  Romans 5:12-21 and other places in the Bible teach the doctrine of original sin.  Article 9 of the 39 Articles explains this doctrine:   Original sin does not consist in imitating the sin of… Continue reading Original sin and why you should care

Jesus must call his sheep (Redefining missions)

A well known secret at our church is that I am terrible at DIY. I can’t understand why though? I rate myself as very logical, analytical and somewhat handy; yet DIY escapes me. When I hang mirrors I drill into water pipes. I wrongly measured and cut the geyser-blanket three times in a row.  I break things… Continue reading Jesus must call his sheep (Redefining missions)

Is Jesus the only way to God?

The terror attacks in France, like the Boko Haram attacks in Nigeria, have disgusted us all.  Radical Muslims, who believe that Allah is the one true God and that Muhammad is his prophet, have done terrible things in Allah’s name.  Masked gunmen methodically killed twelve people, including a newspaper’s editor, as they shouted “Allahu akbar!”… Continue reading Is Jesus the only way to God?

Jesus was a Calvinist!

The name John Calvin is a bad word to many people, but I hope to show you that Calvin’s theology should be our theology because it was Jesus’ theology and the Bible’s theology. John Calvin lived in the 1500’s in Geneva, Switzerland.  He was and is one of the hero’s of the Christian faith.  He… Continue reading Jesus was a Calvinist!

What will our resurrection bodies be like?

We love superheroes.   When I was 7 years-old I just about gave my mother a heart-attack by dressing up as Batman and climbing onto a high, narrow wall and casually strolling along it.  Thankfully, she managed to cajole me down.  We especially like it when superheroes are “normal” first, then something odd happens and they… Continue reading What will our resurrection bodies be like?