One of the mysteries of the Bible is the nature of God himself; that God is Trinity. Trinity means tri-unity – three in oneness. There is diversity in unity. God is three persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and each person in fully God. Yet, we believe in one God, not three. The word “Trinity”… Continue reading Are you a Trinitarian heretic?
Category: Doctrine
Who is in control? (The decrees of God)
The decrees of God are God’s purposes or determinations with respect to future things. Ephesians 1:9 refers to the “mystery of his will”. Acts 2:23 refers to the “definite plan and foreknowledge of God”. Romans 8:29 uses the word, “predestined”. Ephesians 3:11 refers to God’s “eternal purposes”. The decrees of God are, therefore, God’s purposes… Continue reading Who is in control? (The decrees of God)
The self-sufficiency of God
By the self-sufficiency of God we mean that God is unique, solitary and self-sufficient in all his excellency. Exodus 5:11 says, “Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?” The answer is that there is no-one like God. The first four… Continue reading The self-sufficiency of God
Adoption as sons
Julius Caesar was a great Roman General, with unmatched military ability. He lived from 100 BC to 44 BC and became Leader of the Roman Empire. Julius Caesar played a critical role in the Roman Republic, ruled largely by a Senate, becoming the Roman Empire, ruled largely by one man – the Emperor. What is… Continue reading Adoption as sons
To obey or not to obey?
What place does the Law, epitomized in the Ten Commandments, have in the Christian’s life? Are we free of the Law and not under obligation to obey it? If we seek to obey God’s Law are we not being legalists and fundamentalist? What does the bible mean when it says Christians are under grace, not… Continue reading To obey or not to obey?