Infant baptism: a practise fully agreeable to the institution of Christ

On Sunday we had the privilege of baptizing the small baby of Christian parents at our church service.  I suppose many Baptists (who hold to only believers’ baptism) would cry “heresy!” or mumble a something about the influence of Roman Catholicism under their breath.  Why did we baptise that young child? Circumcision Baptism is the… Continue reading Infant baptism: a practise fully agreeable to the institution of Christ

Covenant baptism: Why we baptise some babies and some adults

Who do we baptise some babies and some adults at our church?  Baptizing babies seems to be quite a controversial practice these days and often the baptizers are accused of flouting biblical principles for the sake of unbiblical tradition. Convinced Baptists argue that we should only be baptizing believing adults because there are, they maintain,… Continue reading Covenant baptism: Why we baptise some babies and some adults