Why you go to church and are not the church

It’s trendy in Christian circles to say things like, “You don’t go to church, you are the church”. A great number of books have been written to show how we should live as the “church” in our non-Christian communities. With this emphasis on “being the church” in your “community”, you might even start feeling bad… Continue reading Why you go to church and are not the church

Brothers, we are not the only ministers

We live in an age of professionalism and specialisation. If our air-con breaks we phone the air-con specialist. If our child is sick, we don’t go to the GP but the paediatrician – who sends us to another specialist. If the bulb goes in our car’s headlamp, cars today are so sophisticated, we often have to… Continue reading Brothers, we are not the only ministers

How do you know if your church is successful?

We might be tempted to view churches with big attendance figures or large membership registers as successful.  After all, they must be doing something right?  Very often it’s the mega-church pastors that get asked to speak at conferences on church-growth and whose services are recorded for TBN.  Mega-churrch pastors often write books that share their… Continue reading How do you know if your church is successful?

Why women should not be pastors

Why don’t we have any women pastors in our denomination? Why do men lead our Sunday church services?  Does Christianity squash women?  What place do women have in ministry?  The Apostle Paul answers most of these questions in 1 Timothy 2:8-15, one of the most controversial passages in the Bible.  The entire letter of 1… Continue reading Why women should not be pastors