The Rock and the gates of death

Matthew 16:15-18 is a very misunderstood passage in the Bible. The Roman Catholic Church believes that the Rock on which Jesus builds his church was the Apostle Peter, who allegedly was the first Pope or Bishop of Rome.  Subsequently, all the Popes have been the spiritual descendants of Peter. The true church is, therefore, all… Continue reading The Rock and the gates of death

The 3 big threats to the church

The church is every age faces great threats or challenges: external and internal**.  Not surprisingly, the challenges have not changed over the years.  Luke outlines these threats in his book in the Bible that describes the birth and growth of the early church – the book of Acts.

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The calling and confidence of church

Most Monday mornings I feel like resigning.  Did I explain God’s Word well enough?  Was my sermon understandable? Was I faithful to the biblical text?  Should I have used more illustrations?  Would another minister do a better job?  Is it all worth it? Monday morning blues can be quite typical for those in the ministry… Continue reading The calling and confidence of church

You must sing at church

People, in general, like to sing.  Whether they are very religious or total atheists, most people like music and song. Ask any football supporter.  From singing, “Who ate all the pies” to the referee or “You’ll never walk alone” to their mates, fans like singing.    Fans pays hundreds of Rands to hear their favourite… Continue reading You must sing at church