Article 6 of the 39 Articles of Religion on the “The sufficiency of Holy Scripture for our salvation” says, Holy Scripture sets forth everything that is necessary for our salvation. Consequently, nobody should be required to believe as an article of the Christian faith, or to regard as necessary for salvation, anything that is not… Continue reading God’s Word above all things?
Category: Bible
Should Christians study the Old Testament?
Many people think that the Old Testament is for Jewish people and the New Testament (which is all about Jesus) is for Christian people. There are at least four reasons why the Old Testament is important for Christian people:
The most misquoted verse in the Bible: judge not!
“Judge not, that you be not judged” (Matthew 7:1) is probably the most misquoted verse in the Bible. This verse is being quoted many times by those who are for same-sex partnerships. The typical comment on Facebook is: “Who are you to judge? After all didn’t Jesus say, Judge not lest ye be judged.” The… Continue reading The most misquoted verse in the Bible: judge not!
The Old Testament and Snow White (Why we need the New Testament)
To cheer you up (he said tongue-in-cheek), I thought I would tell you the original ending of the Snow White fairy tale. As you know, the new Queen, who is the wicked stepmother, is jealous of snow white’s beauty and orders a huntsman to take Snow White into the deepest woods to be killed. As… Continue reading The Old Testament and Snow White (Why we need the New Testament)
How did we get the Bible?
William Tyndale grew up in England in the 1500’s. Back then ordinary people did not own Bibles; they had to go to church to hear what the Bible had to say. The church, at the time, believed that only the Pope and priests were educated enough to understand and interpret the Bible. But there was… Continue reading How did we get the Bible?