The fourth point of Calvinism is Irresistible Grace. This doctrine says that when God calls us to faith in Jesus he calls effectively; he always succeeds in his purpose to save us. The Bible distinguished between the general call of God to all sinners to come to Jesus (e.g. Jesus saying “Come to me, all you who… Continue reading Why saving grace must be irresistible
Author: Pastorfish
Why I believe in Limited Atonement
Who did Jesus die for? What did Jesus’ death actually achieve? These two questions point to the heart of the third so-called point of Calvinism1, “Limited Atonement2“. Most Christians would say that Jesus died for all the sins of every person in the entire world. In other words, Jesus paid the price for each sin… Continue reading Why I believe in Limited Atonement
To plan or not to plan?
Most of us don’t have a plan. No plan for our life, no plan for our finances or health and no plan for our spiritual growth. Proverbs says that we are acting foolishly. Proverbs tells us that we should plan ahead. Proverbs 21:5 says, “The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as… Continue reading To plan or not to plan?
Free Will vs. Total Depravity
Can we choose God? Would we ever want to choose God? Do we have free will? These questions have caused controversy amongst Christians throughout church history. The reformed doctrine of Total Depravity speaks to this.
Finishing strong
I enjoy mountain biking, but I hate being unfit (as I am). The other day, cycling with a friend, I had to stop half way through a route to get off my bike and sit down! Steve Farrar wrote a very good book for men called: “Finishing Strong – Going the distance for your family”. Farrar… Continue reading Finishing strong