At Jesus baptism, a voice speaks from heaven and says, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” (Mark 1:8) The voice (aka God the Father) echoes Psalm 2:7 and Isaiah 42:1. What makes this astounding is the two radically different people these two passages refer to. Psalm 2 refers… Continue reading The irony of Jesus
Author: Pastorfish
Is the gospel good news?
The word “gospel” was not a particularly Christian word at the time of the writing of the New Testament in the first Century Roman Empire. Gospel was simply the word used for momentous news of a historic event that would no doubt bring a new situation or circumstances. For example, the news of a new… Continue reading Is the gospel good news?
No ordinary death
Andries Tatane’s death and the death of Jesus of Nazareth bear some remarkable similarities and differences. Both men were 33 years old, guilty of no crime, yet treated with contempt, beaten, and killed by the authorities of the day. Both men’s death was terrible and tragic. Both men’s death also achieved results for their people.… Continue reading No ordinary death
How not to commit adultery
Every week there seems to be another report of a pastor falling into sexual sin and disqualifying himself from the ministry. Adultery is more and more the norm and even celebrated by some. The book of Proverbs gives us some really practical advice on how to keep our marriage beds (and future marriage beds) pure.… Continue reading How not to commit adultery
Perseverance of the saints
Can a Christian loose their salvation? The Bible says no. The last point of Calvinism is: The perseverance of the saints. Perhaps a better summary would be: God’s preservation of the saints or God’s persevering with the saints. (BTW “Saints” is the word the New Testament uses for regular Christians.) The Westminster Confession of Faith… Continue reading Perseverance of the saints