Improving the gospel?

Why did God send his Son into the world?  This very basic question is controversial…again. There is a movement within broader Conservative Evangelicalism in South Africa to be critical of the gospel of “Eternal Salvation” that Conservative Evangelicalism has always cherished. This movement seeks to redefine the gospel to include a physical/political/ temporal liberation of… Continue reading Improving the gospel?

Gospel and Race 2: confronting injustice

 In my previous post, we saw how in Genesis 3 human beings disobeyed God and now sin and selfishness has been our reality ever since. Things in our world are not as they ought to be. Sin, death, disease, racism, anger and immorality taint our world and our history. We’ve seen the terrible effects of… Continue reading Gospel and Race 2: confronting injustice

Gospel and race: one humanity

I don’t know why, but every time I go shopping I always choose the trolley with the dodgy, squeaky, sticky wheel that keeps veering to the right or to the left. It’s quite a job to keep the trolley moving forward in a straight line. In a similar way, it’s tough to keep having a… Continue reading Gospel and race: one humanity