Perhaps one of the best examples of good times going bad is the sinking of the Titanic. Can you imagine that fateful night? All was good. The band was performing, passengers were all dressed up and enjoying conversations, children were snoozing, grandparents were eating, couples were kissing and a generally good times was being had… Continue reading When good times go bad (worldliness in the church)
Author: Pastorfish
Four principles in giving to God’s work
God’s work has always been funded by God’s people.
Should we listen to the prophets?
Some years ago I was visited by a Christian lady who claimed to have received a prophecy, a message from God, for me and our church. The message was this, “Your church will enter a time of unprecedented miracles, signs, wonders, blessings and conversions. However, you shouldn’t limit God. You need to open yourself to… Continue reading Should we listen to the prophets?
My prayer for the government of South Africa
9 Reasons why you should be a member of your local church
Church membership is often seen as irrelevant, unnecessary and unbiblical. However, I hope to show you that belonging to a church family, made official by church membership is very relevant, necessary and biblical. Does God require local church membership? 1. Membership is in the Bible The words “local church membership” are not in the Bible,… Continue reading 9 Reasons why you should be a member of your local church